1 minute read

How to teach about plastic recycling

by Plastmakers

Based on my learning by doing experience I made a package with basic information that can help individuals, schools and NGOs. You can find tips how teach about recycling technologies, circular economy and other processing possibilities. —



    Step 1 - Start with WHY..

    In the modern and industrial European country such as Czech Republic was in 2020 recycled only 30% of plastic material, 39% was burned as a certified fuel and remaining ended up somewere else. People can collect it but do not know how to reuse it.
    In my opinion, problem is in the ignorance.

    I believe that education with real examples can increase awarness about lowering consumption of single use plastic, reusing and recycling. Young generation should know about plastic more information that I learned as a teenager.

    We have an ability to choose how our future World will look like.

    Step 2 - Download package

    Total package has 1.1 GB. Its not possible to upload it on this how-to page.

    You can download it for free from Google drive link:


    You edit materials, share and use as you want.

    Step 3 - Choose activity you want to do

    As an example I prepared content for 3 different activites that you can do. It was designed according to my experience for machines and tools I use.


    + many topics described on detal
    + regular basis
    + more time for creative activities
    + space for development
    + individual approach

    - suitable only for small group
    - requires a facility and equipment


    + larger impact
    + demonstration technology on site
    + cheaper than regular hobby club
    + presentation at school

    - a brief overview about problem
    - not enough time to explain everything


    + individual approach
    + creative and education activities
    + participants make their own product
    + providing advices how to join pp
    + single afternoon activity

    - suitable for small groups
    - requires a facility and equipment

    Step 4 - More information

    In case you need more information, ask me: info@plastmakers.com

    You can also visit me in Liberec (Czech Republic) or book for a workshop/ presentation at your event.

    All news and new projects I also publish on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/plastmakers/

    I wish you all the best.


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